Hi Rosina,
I thought I would report my progress since our session -
1) I no longer dread waking up . I feel excited .
2) I was able to attend church without fear .
3) I am overflowing with memories where before almost all were inaccessible. The ones that are surfacing are positive whereas previously all memories felt tinged with sadness and fear.
4) the constant overwhelm I’ve had for 20 years is lessened significantly.
5) I feel I can speak for myself rather than keep silent .
6) my jaw aches and the pain moves throughout it but the chronic tension is less .
I’m stunned frankly at the speed and depth of progress as I’ve been working at this for 30+ years. It feels merciful.
I am very very grateful to you .
Janet S.
Rosina, thank you for the work you did yesterday. Your joyful presence, direct communication, and gift/ability of zeroing in on the core of the issue are remarkable.
I’m incredibly grateful for crossing paths with you and this work.
Have a wonderful Monday.
You are a perfect instrument of the Divine to help others heal, you have an amazing gift and you are using it in a right way. The world needs people like you Rosina. Love you so much. 💕🌹💕 Danuta C.
Rosina is very professional, thorough and knowledgeable. I attended psychologist sessions for many years in a row. A consult with Rosina provided much more breakthrough and insights in such a profound and deeply felt way. Since I have consulted Rosina, I have broken through some negative patterns in my life, and Rosina has helped me understand their source - based on our history, our story and the role of family trauma in previous generations. I can now establish more healthy relationships with friends and family.
Thank you Rosina. You have allowed me insight into how I can be a better wife, mother and role model for my children and my extended family.
For that I will forever be grateful.
Dana Kennedy
“How I perceived life and people was different after Rosina’s workshop. I felt lighter but full of appreciation and love. My life got a changed story where self love, tolerance and happiness became the new me”.
Dr. Loretta Kershaw, MD
Thank you! I have much more clarity about my relationship to my son now too... I know you mentioned it before in our one-on-one sessions, but now, after a full day workshop, I can actually see it... Thank you... When is the next one? I really enjoyed it. Thanks for all the eye opening experiences. Norja Vanderelst

I created this watercolour image for my dear friend Rosina a few years ago for her healing practice. She leads the most beautiful and soul provoking workshops founded in systemic Constellation work. I highly recommend her work to anyone looking for more self-love, self-understanding, healing or guidance in any form. I have attended many of her workshops and can speak to the truth and the depth of the healing. Find her on Facebook as Family Constellations Health & Healing - with Rosina Wellmann
Sarah Bella